-The Breath of Life-

-Higher Self Awareness-

Remember Who You Truly Are

20 to 40 minutes of work to get to a place of wonder and awe like when we first saw the stars as children.

Trance breathwork. Many have a hard time believing it is that easy to feel soul and purpose.

They’d rather make it complicated with a bunch of… stuff.

Unravel the modern mind and remember.

Connect back to your roots at

Ancestral Root

$40 group sessions at Village Acupuncture Wednesday nights at 5pm. Reach out for a slot.

Text or leave a message for a one-on-one extended session appointment. Availability for sessions weeknights after 5 and Sunday.

Hone your power and ability to a fine-edged sharpness.

575 224 6363

240 Jennifer Dr Suite 205, Cottonwood, AZ

Trance Breathwork - Guided long and short sessions of rapid trance breathing to focus the spirit into pinpoint clarity for maximized potential intuitive process, insight and self-discovery.

What the heck is this about?

Testimonials of past clients